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How do I check if a string contains a specific word in PHP?

How do I check if a string contains a specific word in PHP?

Nadia S.

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How do I check if a string contains a specific word in PHP?

The Solution

Since PHP 8, we can use the str_contains() function to check if a substring is present within a given string. In this example, we check whether a string URL has the http:// protocol:

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$url = ""; $protocol = 'http://'; // check $url for the presence of the $protocol substring echo str_contains($url, $protocol);

The function returns 1 for true:

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You can use an if statement to echo out a string literal of the result, for example:

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if (str_contains($url, $protocol)) { echo 'true'; } else { echo 'false'; }


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The strpos() function

Versions of PHP previous to PHP 8 use the less intuitive strpos() function to determine if a string contains a certain substring.

The strpos() function returns an integer of the substring’s starting position if the substring is present, for example:

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$url = ""; $protocol = 'http://'; $ans = strpos($url, $protocol); echo $ans;

The output tells us that $protocol is present and begins at the first character of $url:

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// index value 0

In contrast to str_contains(), you need to explicitly include a comparator in an if statement, such as $foo === false. For example:

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if ($ans === false) { echo "The string '$protocol' is NOT in '$url'"; } else { echo "The string '$protocol' is in '$url'"; }


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The string 'http://' is in ''

Note that you must use the === comparator instead of == if there is any chance of the substring in question starting at index 0 or the value of 0 will be interpreted as equating to false. So this example:

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if ($ans == false) { echo "The string '$protocol' is NOT in '$url'"; } else { echo "The string '$protocol' is in '$url'"; }

Will return:

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The string 'http://' is NOT in ''
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